Namespaces | Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions
DOpE Namespace Reference



Data Structures

class  Constraints
class  MethodOfLines_MultiMesh_SpaceTimeHandler
class  MethodOfLines_SpaceTimeHandler
class  MethodOfLines_StateSpaceTimeHandler
class  SpaceTimeHandler
class  SpaceTimeHandlerBase
class  StateSpaceTimeHandler
class  DWRDataContainerBase
class  DWRDataContainer
class  ElementDataContainer
class  ElementDataContainer< dealii::DoFHandler, VECTOR, dim >
class  ElementDataContainer< dealii::MGDoFHandler, VECTOR, dim >
class  ElementDataContainer< dealii::hp::DoFHandler, VECTOR, dim >
class  FaceDataContainer
class  FaceDataContainer< dealii::DoFHandler, VECTOR, dim >
class  FaceDataContainer< dealii::MGDoFHandler, VECTOR, dim >
class  FaceDataContainer< dealii::hp::DoFHandler, VECTOR, dim >
class  HigherOrderDWRContainer
class  HigherOrderDWRContainerControl
class  InstatOptProblemContainer
class  IntegratorDataContainer
class  Multimesh_ElementDataContainer
class  Multimesh_ElementDataContainer< dealii::DoFHandler, VECTOR, dim >
class  Multimesh_FaceDataContainer
class  Multimesh_FaceDataContainer< dealii::DoFHandler, VECTOR, dim >
class  DOpEOutputHandler
class  DOpEExceptionHandler
class  OptProblemContainer
class  PDEProblemContainer
class  ProblemContainerInternal
class  RefinementContainer
class  LocalRefinement
class  RefineFixedFraction
class  RefineFixedNumber
class  RefineOptimized
class  ResidualErrorContainer
class  L2ResidualErrorContainer
class  H1ResidualErrorContainer
class  ConstraintVector
class  ControlVector
class  DOpEException
class  DOpEIterationException
class  DOpENegativeCurvatureException
class  Hello
class  ReducedProblemInterface_Base
class  ParameterReader
class  PointConstraints
class  SolutionExtractor
class  SparsityMaker
class  StateVector
class  TimeDoFHandler
class  TimeIterator
class  UserDefinedDoFConstraints
class  ActiveFEIndexSetterInterface
class  ActiveFEIndexSetterInterface< 0, dealdim >
class  ConstraintInterface
class  DirichletDataInterface
class  FunctionalInterface
class  PDEInterface
class  PDEProblemInterface
class  ReducedProblemInterface
class  TransposedDirichletDataInterface
class  Reduced_IpoptAlgorithm
class  Reduced_SnoptAlgorithm
class  ReducedAlgorithm
class  ReducedNewtonAlgorithm
class  ReducedNewtonAlgorithmWithInverse
class  ReducedTrustregion_NewtonAlgorithm
class  InitialProblem
class  NoConstraints
class  PrimalDirichletData
class  SimpleDirichletData
class  StateProblem
class  TangentDirichletData
class  TransposedGradientDirichletData
class  TransposedHessianDirichletData
class  InstatReducedProblem
class  StatPDEProblem
class  StatReducedProblem
class  CGLinearSolverWithMatrix
class  DirectLinearSolverWithMatrix
class  FractionalStepThetaStepNewtonSolver
class  GMRESLinearSolverWithMatrix
class  InstatStepNewtonSolver
class  Integrator
class  IntegratorMultiMesh
class  IntegratorMixedDimensions
class  MinResLinearSolverWithMatrix
class  NewtonSolver
class  NewtonSolverMixedDimensions
class  QMRSLinearSolverWithMatrix
class  VoidLinearSolver
class  BackwardEulerProblem
class  CrankNicolsonProblem
class  ForwardEulerProblem
class  FractionalStepThetaProblem
class  PrimalTSBase
class  ShiftedCrankNicolsonProblem
class  TSBase


typedef dealii::DoFHandler
< 1 >::active_cell_iterator 


template<class EDC , class STH , class IDC , class FDC , typename VECTOR >
EDC * ExtractEDC (const DWRDataContainer< STH, IDC, EDC, FDC, VECTOR > &dwrc)
template<class FDC , class STH , class IDC , class EDC , typename VECTOR >
FDC * ExtractFDC (const DWRDataContainer< STH, IDC, EDC, FDC, VECTOR > &dwrc)
template<class EDC , typename VECTOR >
EDC * ExtractEDC (const ResidualErrorContainer< VECTOR > &)
template<class FDC , typename VECTOR >
FDC * ExtractFDC (const ResidualErrorContainer< VECTOR > &)

Detailed Description

Copyright (C) 2012 by the DOpElib authors

This file is part of DOpElib

DOpElib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

DOpElib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Please refer to the file LICENSE.TXT included in this distribution for further information on this license.

Copyright (C) 2012 by the DOpElib authors

This file is part of DOpElib

DOpElib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

DOpElib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Please refer to the file LICENSE.TXT included in this distribution for further information on this license. This class is used to extract the computed solution u out of the template Parameter SOLVERCLASS, which should have a memberfunction GetU() as well as GetZforEE() with the return type StateVector. This class is necessary due to some issues connected with the resolution of overloaded functions with templates.

Typedef Documentation

typedef dealii::DoFHandler<1>::active_cell_iterator DOpE::active_cell_it

Function Documentation

template<class EDC , typename VECTOR >
EDC* DOpE::ExtractEDC ( const ResidualErrorContainer< VECTOR > &  )

We need this overloaded function to have the same interface for dwrdatacontainer and residualestimators.

The function should actually never get called, but with this construction, we save 4 unnecessary template parameters!

template<class EDC , class STH , class IDC , class FDC , typename VECTOR >
EDC* DOpE::ExtractEDC ( const DWRDataContainer< STH, IDC, EDC, FDC, VECTOR > &  dwrc)

We need this overloaded function to have the same interface for dwrdatacontainer and residualestimators, see there for further information.

template<class FDC , typename VECTOR >
FDC* DOpE::ExtractFDC ( const ResidualErrorContainer< VECTOR > &  )
template<class FDC , class STH , class IDC , class EDC , typename VECTOR >
FDC* DOpE::ExtractFDC ( const DWRDataContainer< STH, IDC, EDC, FDC, VECTOR > &  dwrc)