SDP-Plugin for SCIP Install-instructions ===================== Additional Software (SCIP and DSDP) ------------------------------------ For using the SDP-Plugin for SCIP you need a installed and fully working version of SCIP 3.0 ( or higher. Additionally you need to install DSDP 5.8 ( Build SDP-Plugin ---------------- Now you are able to install the SDP-Plugin. It uses the SCIP-Makefiles for building. After unpacking the files you just have to change the file make.local. There you need to specify the path to the scip-installation and the path to the dsdp-installation. In the file make.project.override you can set additional options, for example y ou can change the compiler using CC=clang CXX=clang++ Now you just use cd SDP-Plugin make and everything should be built. The executable can be found in the bin directory. You can use the same options for the Makefile as you can use building SCIP (i.e. make OPT=dbg) You can now use the SDP-Plugin in one of the following ways: ./bin/main instancefile.dat-s or ./bin/main instancefile.dat-s paramfile.set If you want to solve MISDPs "instancefile" should be a "dat-s"-file because SCIP uses the file extension for deciding which reader to use. This data format is typical for SDPs, and most SDP-solvers can read it. We extended this format for Mixed-Integer SDPs. The format specifications can be found in the file data_format.txt. Additionally you can define scip-parameters in a parameterfile, that is a "set"-file. How to define parameters is described on the scip-website. The most important parameters are _________________________ lp/solvefreq=1 relaxing/SDPRelax/freq=0 ------------------------- The first one tells scip how often LPs are solved. -1 means never, 0 solves a LP-relaxation only in the root node, 1 solves it in every node and every other positive integer defines the depth in which LPs are solved. The same numbers can be used for definig the SDP-solving-frequency, which is the second parameter. Default, SDPs are solved only in the root node and LPs in every node.